Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Dec 27th was my 2 year cansirversary. Hard to believe really. I am still fighting, but am very thankful to have had the first 2 years pretty easy. I started on new chemo the day before Thanksgiving that didn't work so am now on 2 new drugs and had 2 rounds of radiosurgery to my brain since then. I am doing ok though . I could make this post about how crappy I feel, but I am not going to. I am going to focus on the positive things in my life.
I had an amazing Christmas, the people that I spent it with gave me renewed hope. I am so loved. My family is amazing. My son is always so happy , I can be feeling so bad and then he will say something that has me hysterical and I completey  forget for a moment what I was miserable about in the first place. he is growing up so fast and what a remarkable human being he is becoming.
I intend to fight harder than ever this year for my health, my life and happiness, too many people love me and I cannot bear to think how badly they will be hurt if I don't get better.
This morning, I made myself take a long walk, tommorrow, I will do the same.It is crazy how much better this makes me feel. I have also started my green juice regimen again, it was tough to drink them for a few days, but I can tell a difference when I don't.
So screw you cansir!! I will not let you win..
Happy New Year to All, may this be the best year of your lives. I intend to make it mine.

Sending Love and Light!!!

1 comment:

  1. you are a true living hero Lori. I am in awe of how optimistic you are and, yes, your son is fantastic and such a handsome little man. I wish Ármann and him could meet. Perhaps one day.
    Happy New year, longer days and more sunshine.

    Greetings from ice-cold Iceland ;)
