Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I am writing this post today because it just occurred to me how we are all intertwined
in this journey of life.  As women we play so many roles day to day, we work, take  care of our children and families and try to be responsible for the happiness of so many others. Yesterday, my husband , son and I went to my studio to take a family portrait. It was very hard to get them to cooperate and to get good images on self timer, but it was fun and I think I will make it a yearly tradition. When we were viewing the images later on last night, the fun was all they remembered. How cool is that!!  As women we are powerful, God knew that, that is why women have the babies and the responsibilty of taking care of our families. As a photographer, I have witnessed this same scenario over and over, sometimes it is hard to get everyone together but in the end all that matters is is the laughter. I hope you all had a wonderful day..

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Wow, May already. I can't hardly believe it. I used to think that time went by too quickly, but now I really do. It has been 1 year and 5 months since my cansir dx., and April was 1 year since I have been in remission. Crazy, it seems like a blur. On the health front, I am doing ok. My cansir seems to be happy in remission right now, I hope it stays there. I am still having treatment every 3 weeks and have recently been dx with RA, which is a lovely side effect from the cansir drugs. The rheumatoid arthritis has caused me to get a bad case of carpal tunnel which I will be having surgery on sometime in the near future. But all in all, I am doing really well. My oncologist sent me to a nutritionist, because I got too fat on the steroids.(LOL!!)Funny thing about cansir, my kind anyway, that fat can cause it to come back. So I am really trying hard to get it all off of my body.I recently had another birthday and I am proud to say that I am 47 and cannot wait for the next and the next.I will be celebrating my 3rd Mothers Day and my 21st wedding anniversary next week. Wow!!! 21 years, that man really loves me!!
I am so blessed.