Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When fear creeps in..

This week 1 of the women I know from chemo passed away and another woman who has been fighting
the same amount of time as I is in hospice. It seems like it wasn't that long ago, I was talking with them and they were both doing well. I say to myself, how can that be? Is that how it is going to be for me, here feeling great for now, and then just 1 day, I get sick and it is over. How can that be?? HOW CAN THAT BE!!? I am so sad about this. I just want to scream..  Am I fooling myself, am I in denial about what is probably inevitable?? I must stay strong for my family, I must.  May God give me the strength I need to to survive this damn disease.
Rest in Peace Barbara, I am praying for your family. Judy, I hope your last few days here are peaceful. I know there is a painless beautiful place waiting for you in heaven.  GOD BLESS!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lori, there is no explanation for what happens. My mother was diagnosed over 20 years ago with a positive lymph node. She did tamoxifen for ten years, then had to stop when she got a pulmonary embolus. A friend of hers was diagnosed the same time with no positive lymph nodes - a very good prognosis.

    Turn the page to two years later and my mum's friend died from her breast cancer. My mum, now over 20 years later and at age 85, is still alive and kicking - and working!

    There is no reasoning with God. He knows exactly what each one of us needs and what will happen to us (Psalm 139 - my favorite). You have a purpose to fulfill - whether it's with work, with Ron, or with Rocco - only God knows. Live that life and do everything you can. He knows what will happen to each of us. Your time is not nearly here. You have much to do - maybe even with someone like me, up here in Massachusetts. Look at your father in law - Rocky's 93 and still kicking! Now if only Rick would get a life...

    Even tho I don't know you personally (I so hope to meet you some day!), you have affected my life so deeply. I truly love you and pray for you nearly every day. Keep fighting the fight - for all of us!!!

    Susan Webster
